きゃりこ猫カフェ - Cat café (Neko Café) in Tokyo

As you may know, Japan has theme cafés. One of them is a cat café, where for an hourly cover fee you can enjoy company of cats, play with them or just watch and photograph them.
Walking around Tokyo we stumbled upon this cat café (きゃりこ猫カフェ) and just couldn't miss the opportunity to see it.
きゃりこ猫カフェ poster

When we entered the café, we were welcomed by two ladies wearing masks. They showed us to our lockers where we had to leave our shoes and gave us soap to wash and sanitize our hands.
Only then were we allowed to enter the space where the cats roamed freely. Actually they were all more or less sleeping. I suppose it was just past their feeding time.

The cat café lady tried to animate the cats with their favorite toys. There was one cat that responded very well and tried to catch the toy, but gave up pretty quickly.

One of them hid in it's yellow tunnel toy and wouldn't come out.

An hour passed quickly and we had to part with our new friends. 

If you want more picture of adorable cats from Cat café Calico and you have an iOS device, you can download this free app: Cat café Calico - Visitor's photographs.

Here are some videos of  猫カフェ from YouTube:

Možda znate da Japan ima tematske kafiće. Jedan od njih je kafić s mačkama, gdje za malu naknadu možete uživati u društvu mačaka, igrati se s njima ili ih samo gledati i fotografirati.
Dok smo hodali Tokyom, nabasali smo na mačkokafić (きゃりこ猫カフェ) te nismo mogli propustiti priliku pogledati ga.
Kad smo ušli u kafić dočekale su nas dvije dame s maskama na licu te nas odvele do ormarića gdje smo ostavili naše stvari i cipele te do umivaonika gdje smo morali oprati i sterilizirati ruke. Tek tada smo mogli u zatvoreni prostor gdje su se mačke kretale slobodno. Zapravo su manje više sve spavale, pa smo pretpostavili da su ih baš nahranili.
Jedna zaposlenica kafića ih je pokušala animirati njihovim najdražim igračkama. Jedan mačak je bio zainteresiran, ali je ubrzo i on odustao.
Jedan mačak se zavukao u žutu tunel-igračku i nije se dao van.
Ubrzo je prošao jedan sat i morali smo se rastati od naših novih prijatelja.
Ako bi htjeli vidjeti još slika mačaka iz Calico cafea te imate iOS uređaj, možete skinuti ovu besplatnu aplikaciju: Cat cafe Calico - Visitor's photographs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3.5.13

    Very interesting blog! I found learning Japanese a very challenging activity and I have to say that in some cases I had to rely on Japanese translations from professionals as my Japanese wasn't enough.


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